“AI Summit: Bridging Boundaries” is an official T20 event (Think20), in the context of the G20 debates, especially focused on the Inclusive Digital Transformation task force.

The topic of AI is one of the main priorities of the Brazilian presidency in the G20, and this event hopes to count on other engagement groups, besides T20. Among the issues to be debated, are Human Development, Global AI Governance, and Generative AI.

The event will take place on June 10, 2024, in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil, previous to the third meeting of the Digital Economy Working Group (Sherpa track).

The event will take place at Hotel Luzeiros São Luís:

Address: R. João Pereira Damasceno, 02 - Ponta do Farol, São Luís - MA, 65077-630

Phone: +55 (98) 3227-9297